E. Grant Decision Making Philosophy Discussion
- Commissioner McKinney will continue to lead a discussion about the Dane Arts grant
making philosophy during the March 19th commission meeting.
- This grant discussion was initiated by a desire to ensure the grant award process is
designed to strategically maximize impact.
- Executive Committee members noted that the current Dane Arts grant program often
contributes to organizations year after year, which is more reflective of supporting
operational costs rather than unique projects.
- While the county budget does not have much flexibility in operational expenses,
Supervisor Rose noted that capital funds are available.
- Director Fraire and Supervisor Rose will explore the potential for requesting Dane County
capital funding to support the Dane Arts capital grant program in the future.
-Consensus was that Dane Arts should continue to integrate the arts with other county
services including, but not limited to, human services, health, land and water resources,
juvenile court, and more.
F. 2025 Dane Arts Supported Events
- Commissioner Klehr updated the sign-up list of Dane Arts supported events.
- Other supported programs outside of the grant budget will be added to the sign-up
sheet for commissioners to attend.
G. BOD insurance
Chair Ritcherson inquired as to whether commissioners are covered under board of
directors’ insurance provided by Dane County.
H. Executive Director’s Report
1. County budget request strategy
See discussion in section E. bullet 4.
2. Other
- Over 150 attendees have registered for the Business of Art Conference and the agenda
will be published by March 17th.
- The Conference has been primarily funded by private Lussier funds and registration
fees, with limited corporate sponsorship in 2025.
- The potential for continuing to sustainably produce the conference in upcoming years
will be discussed.
- Dane Arts seeks to distribute 2025 posters to cities, municipalities, and vendors and
welcomes commissioner ideas for distribution.