Dane County  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Tree Board  
Who benefits? Who is burdened?  
Who does not have a voice at the table?  
How can policymakers mitigate unintended consequences?  
Monday, July 1, 2024  
3:30 PM  
In Person Meeting: Attend in person at the Eagle  
Effigy Mound at Mendota Health Institute - 10  
Muir Dr, Madison, WI 53704  
In Person Meeting: Attend in person at the Eagle Effigy Mound at Mendota Health  
Institute - 10 Muir Dr, Madison, WI 53704  
Interpreters must be requested in advance; please see the bottom of the agenda for more information.  
Los intérpretes deben solicitarse con anticipación; consulte el final de la agenda para obtener más  
Yuav tsuam tau thov txog cov neeg txhais lus hau ntej; thov saib hauv qab kawg ntawm qhov txheej  
txheem rau cov ntaub ntawv ntxiv.  
The July 1, 2024 Tree Board meeting will be an In Person meeting. Members of the public can attend in  
The public can attend in person at Eagle Effigy Mound at Mendota Health Institute - 10 Muir Dr, Madison,  
WI 53704  
IN PERSON: Any members of the public wishing to register to speak on/support/oppose an agenda item  
can register in person at the meeting using paper registration forms.  
In person registrations to provide public comment will be accepted throughout the meeting.  
If you want to submit a written comment for this meeting, or send handouts for board members, please  
send them to: Johnson.lisa@countyofdane.com  
A. Call To Order  
B. Consideration of Minutes  
2024 MIN-111 05.21.2024 MINUTES TREEBOARD  
C. Tree Board Operating Agreement  
1. Have a common understanding of Acronyms. CARPC, Capital  
Area Regional Panning Commission, assists regional governments  
with planning efforts and assists DNR with water quality  
management. OFS, Operation Fresh Start, assisting youth with  
social barriers obtain work experience and education. TCC, Tree  
Canopy Collaborative, a diverse group of professionals whose goal is  
to increase tree Canopy. WAA, Wisconsin Arborists Association.  
DCTB, Dane County Tree Board.  
2. This will be an evolving agreement between board members, that  
can help our team create an environment in how we communicate  
and operate.  
• Action-oriented agenda items: “decide, brainstorm, weigh in on” –  
• Shift from reporting and information sharing to engaging  
• Be deliberately engaged  
• All members of the board feel valued and respected  
• Permission to be unpolished  
• Communicate the ask  
• Hear from everyone  
• Make new members feel welcome  
• Follow up on request/tasks (accountable)  
• Start on time / end on time  
• Review TB Minutes prior to TB Meetings  
D. Project & General Updates  
1. Grant application  
E. Discussion Item  
F. Action Items  
1. Internal Dane County Tree Preservation Resolution  
2. Parks and Open Space Plan recommendations  
1. Additional TB purchases (place holder)  
2. Internal Dane County Tree Preservation Resolution  
3. DCTB Application to the Bock Foundation  
4. TB applicants.  
G. Future Meeting Items and Dates  
1. 3:45-4:45 July 16th 2024.  
H. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda  
I. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law  
J. Adjourn  
Note: If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to  
access this service, activity or program, please call the phone number below—preferably at least three  
business days but no fewer than 24 hours prior to the meeting.  
Nota: Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor o materiales en formatos alternativos o cualquier otra  
adaptación para tener acceso a este servicio, actividad o programa, llame al número de teléfono que  
puede encontrar a continuación — de preferencia con al menos 3 días de anticipación y como mínimo  
24 horas antes del evento en cuestión  
Sau tseg: Yog koj xav tau ib tug neeg txhais lus, txhais ua ntaub ntawv, cov ntaub ntawv uas nyob rau  
lwm yam kev lawm los sis lwm yam kev pab nkag rau qhov kev pab no, kev ua si los sis kev pab  
cuam, thov hu tus xov tooj rau hauv qab no—xav kom hu li peb hnub ua ntej tuaj tab sis tsis pub tsawg  
tshaj 24 xuab moos ua ntej rau lub rooj sib tham no.  
Johnson, Lisa at Johnson.lisa@countyofdane.com, 608-224-3715, 711 for Wisconsin Relay