Dane County  
Minutes - Final Unless Amended by  
Equal Opportunity Commission  
Who benefits? Who is burdened?  
Who does not have a voice at the table?  
How can policymakers mitigate unintended consequences?  
Tuesday, July 16, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County  
Building in Room 356; attend virtually via Zoom.  
A. Call To Order  
4 -  
B. Consideration of Minutes  
EOC Minutes 02-13-24  
Attachments: 2023 MIN-545  
A motion was made by BROWER, seconded by KATZ, that the minutes be  
approved. The motion carried by a voice vote.  
C. Action Items  
1. Vote for Chair  
A motion to table voting was made by KATZ, seconded by  
WEATHERBY-FLOWERS. The motion carried by unanimous consent.  
2. Vote for Vice-Chair  
A motion to table voting was made by KATZ, seconded by  
WEATHERBY-FLOWERS. The motion carried by unanimous consent.  
3. Vote for Secretary  
A motion to table voting was made by KATZ, seconded by  
WEATHERBY-FLOWERS. The motion carried by unanimous consent.  
4. Vote for additional meeting dates in 2024  
A motion to table voting was made by KATZ, seconded by  
WEATHERBY-FLOWERS. The motion carried by unanimous consent.  
D. Presentations  
E. Reports to Committee  
1. Chair's Report  
The EOC Chair will summarize meeting and other related activities on behalf of the  
Commission since the last Commission meeting. For information only. Any item raised  
for future discussion will be posted on the next agenda. Update from County Executives’  
2. Vice-Chair Report  
Vice-Chair FISHER encourage new commissioners to view information from  
previous meetings, view "welcome documents" and discussed EOC charges  
regarding working with County Departments and staff.  
3. EOC Staff Report  
EOC Staff Report JULY/2024  
Attachments: 2024 RPT-142  
Staff discussed report  
EOC PowerPoint  
Attachments: 2024 RPT-113  
Request to view PowerPoint, Vice-Chair Fisher expeditiously went through  
Chapter 15 Dane County Ordinance  
Attachments: 2024 RPT-114  
Staff informed to see pages 1-5.  
Chapter 19 Dane County Ordinance  
Attachments: 2024 RPT-115  
Staff informed to see page 6-7.  
4. 2023 Henry Vilas Zoo AZA Exit Briefing  
Henry Vilas Zoo AZA Exit Briefing Document  
Attachments: 2024 RPT-112  
5. Office for Equity and Inclusion's Budget  
2024 Adopted Budget  
Attachments: 2023 DISC-027  
Discussion ensued on OEI budget and if EOC could make suggestions.  
F. Future Meeting Items and Dates  
1. EOC working with OEI Advisory (EOC Chair is appointed to OEI Advisory Board)  
2. Equity Plans  
Discussion to ensure updated plans - post Covid, online accessibility,  
3. Accessibility  
Discussion in having more than an ADA coordinator.  
4. Racial Equity Analysis including hiring practices  
G. Next EOC Hybrid Meeting  
Next meeting to take place on Tuesday, August 20. 2024 5:30pm - 7pm.  
Straw poll taken inquiring if Tuesday's work for meetings, consensus was yes.  
G. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda  
H. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law  
I. Adjourn  
Meeting adjourned at 6:22pm  
Minutes respectively submitted by Reyna Vasquez, pending EOC approval.