2. ILSP Update
Fischer reported work continues to enroll individuals in the Independent Living Supports
Pilot (ILSP), which offers short-term, flexible, limited services and supports for people at
risk of entering Medicaid-funded long-term care. The pilot ends in March. Payments to
consumers had been being handled by Premier Financial Management Services, but the
State of Wisconsin has assumed that role and is providing training for those working on
the project on January 14. It is expected that the transition will allow better access to
information for those workers trying to track and facilitate the allotment of the allocated
funds. Fischer plans to collect and share some of the many ILSP success stories in
Dane County.
H. Future Meeting Items and Dates
Next Meeting: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. at the ADRC and via Zoom
Olson plans to invite a representative from the State of Wisconsin's Bureau of Aging &
Disability Resources to provide information about how funding flows. She also will share,
for future discussion and potential action, the Wisconsin Aging Advocacy Network's
Issue Brief that calls for a $19.9 million allocation in the 2025-2027 state budget to
provide reliable, equitable and accurate funding to the state's ADRCs, factoring in the
costs of addressing population growth and rising expenses.
Additional suggestions for presentation topics included:
1. Dr. Barbara Bowers on the growing gap between what Licensed Practical Nurses are
being taught in school and the more complex activities they are being tasked with in
long-term care facilities.
2. The need to promote the migration of foreign nurses to the United States to help
alleviate personnel shortages and the visa issues that arise in those situations.
I. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law
J. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
K. Adjourn
A motion was made by THOMPSON, seconded by OLSON, that the Meeting be
adjourned. The motion carried by a voice vote 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at
4:48 p.m.
Minutes respectively submitted by Howard Thomas pending Governing Board approval.