D. Project & General Updates
1. Duluth Trading Company: NOONE reached out to MCF regarding the Goodman
Non-profit Center that holds workshops for leadership development, writing grants, etc.,
about participating in classes
2. Village of Dane Tree Planting: Successful community planting organized by
BRODBECK at the Capital Valley Park, 17 trees. Also attended by other Tree Board
members and staff, County Board Supervisor Don Postler.
3. Tamarack Trails Planting: NOONE did a tree planting event/talk for the homeowners
association at Tamarack Trails, 50 acres or more. More than 20 residents helped plant
heritage oak seedlings for their 50th year anniversary. NOONE and BOSCI did a
presentation on land use history in the area.
E. Discussion Items
1. Arboriculture Work Group: Interest from BRODBECK, Wahl, WYATT, Johnson,
Alves. Should create a timeline for what deliverables to complete and in what order.
2. Community Tree Ordinances: Not discussed.
3. Policy Resolution Update: (A resolution, different from 1 and 2, creating a standard for
only county lands) A DRAFT is under consideration by the Tree Board. Each member
can review on their own and send initial edits in by second week in December. NOONE
will put the DRAFT in a Google doc and share out, clearly labeled ‘DRAFT’. Will have a
joint editing session at next meeting to discuss input from members.
4. TB Parks and Open Spaces: Postponed until next meeting.
F. Action Items
1. Letter of support to lobby Madison College to reinstate the second year of training for
the Tree Care Technician program:
MOTION made by ERKER, seconded by WEISS, to collect input from current and
past students and graduates, faculty, advisory board, employers to create a draft
letter. MOTION passed (9-0).
2. Additional TB Purchases: Heritage oak seedlings being purchased from DNR as per
previously approved.
G. Future Meeting Items and Dates
To be determined.
H. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
I. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law