Parker Schorr, Eviction & Court Services Lead and Chrisbelly Antimo, Associate Director
from Tenant Resource Center (TRC) presented an overview Evictions and Eviction
Resource in Dane County. Topics presented were an overview of the eviction process,
TRC services provided, County eviction data collected, and the recently developed
Eviction Map. TRC gave updates on current status of what they are seeing within the
local court system and challenges that clients are facing. Members asked questions and
TRC staff responded.
Grant Pass v Johnson Supreme Court Ruling and Implications
Mike Basford, Director of Interagency Council on Homelessness from the State of
Wisconsin presented an overview Grant Pass v Johnson Supreme Court Ruling. Mike
gave an historic overview of unsheltered encampments and the recent case taken up by
the United States Supreme Court. Mike presented a current update on the implications
and challenges that communities and those with lived experiencing are confronting after
the ruling. Members asked questions and Mike Basford responded.
F. Action Items
Kristina Dux presented the 2025 Committee Work Plan. Discussion was had by
committee members and recommendations were made by members.
Nasra Wehelie made a motion to approve the 2025 Committee Work Plan as
discussed including a friendly amendment with the ability to add a few
additional topics and move the dates of presentations per request or as needed.
Seconded made by Michelle Doolan. Passed by a voice vote.
G. Reports
Kristina Dux presented Dane County Housing Access and Affordability (HAA) and shelter
census updates.
Linette Rhodes presented City of Madison updates.
Members had no questions. No discussion.
I. Adjourn
A motion was made by Kathy Kamp and seconded by Michele Doolan to adjourn
at 7:04 pm. Motion passed by voice vote.