receiving, holding and shipping of materials for a single business.
• The definition of outdoor storage states that storage of materials is not permitted
within any building setback area.
• The HC Heavy Commercial district allows for intensive land uses including outdoor
storage; however, such storage is restricted to the building envelope of the lot and
therefore does not allow for storage to occur within the required setbacks to the
property lines.
COMMUNICATIONS: Town of Medina: 9/4/2024 Acknowledgement of variance; Plan
Commission & Town Board Action October 9, 2024 recommending approval.
1) Unnecessary Hardship: It would be unreasonable to strictly enforce setback
regulations on a permitted use that is a necessary service to the infrastructure of our
economy. There are few sites zoned to accommodate such a use, and therefore it is a
finite resource of space available.
2) Unique Limitations of the Property: Property is bound by town roads and a state
highway at non-uniform angles. It is one of seven properties in the Town of Medina
zoned HC Heavy Commercial.
3) No Harm to Public Interests: The Town of Medina Board supports the variance and
did not point out any safety concerns. The current owner has made improvements,
including lighting, to make the site safer.
LONG/CORRIGAN to grant 32 foot variance from minimum setback from a state
highway and 10 feet from minimum required setback from a town highway to
allow outdoor storage within the setback as proposed. Motion Carried.
2 - KAY and LEESER
E. Appeals from Previous Meetings
F. Reports to Commitee
Hilbert updated Board of future meetings. Leeser will not be able to attend November
G. Other Business Authorized by Law
H. Adjournment
STUDZ/LEESER to adjourn. The board adjourned by voice vote at 8:17pm.