Dane County  
Minutes - Final Unless Amended by  
Board of Adjustment  
Who benefits? Who is burdened?  
Who does not have a voice at the table?  
How can policymakers mitigate unintended consequences?  
Thursday, September 26, 2024  
6:30 PM  
Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County  
Building in Room 354; attend virtually via Zoom.  
A. Call To Order  
Chair Long called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and introduced the members of the  
Also Present: First Alternate: Alex Elkins; Staff: Hans Hilbert, Assistant Zoning  
5 -  
and AL LONG  
B. Public Comment for any Item not listed on the Agenda  
No public comments were made.  
C. Consideration of Minutes  
Minutes of the August 22, 2024 meeting  
Board of Adjustment  
LEESER/CORRIGAN to approve the minutes. Motion carried.  
1 - STUDZ  
Minutes of the September 12, 2024 Site Inspection Meeting  
Board of Adjustment  
STUDZ/LONG to approve the minutes.  
2 - STUDZ and LONG  
D. Public Hearing for Appeals  
Appeal 3728. Appeal by LabCorp (Wayne Whiting, Strang, Inc., agent), for a  
variance from maximum allowable height of a structure permitted within the  
Dane County Regional Airport Height Limitation Zone as provided by Section  
78.03, Dane County Code of Ordinances, to allow HVAC upgrades to the  
mechanical penthouse at 3301 Kinsman Boulevard, being Lot 1, Certified  
Survey Map 12516 in the SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 29, Town 08 North, Range 10  
East, City of Madison.  
Board of Adjustment  
VARIANCE REQUESTED: Allow installation of new HVAC equipment to mechanical  
Airport Height Limitation Zone (AHLZ) Variance:  
Existing grade elevation 855 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) per (FAA) (Note: This is  
the elevation at the base of the existing building, closest to the proposed additions.)  
Maximum Height of Structure Permitted in AHLZ: 913 ft. AMSL (57 ft. Above Ground  
Level [AGL])  
Proposed height of encroachment: 926.2 feet AMSL as per FAA (71 feet AGL as per  
VARIANCE NEEDED: 13.2 feet  
IN FAVOR: Wayne Whiting P.E., Strang, INC. Madison, WI, Agent  
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENTS: Hilbert related the Zoning Administrator had  
no objections to the variance as requested.  
OPPOSED: None.  
There was no need for rebuttal.  
Finding of Fact:  
04/19/2024 Email from Katie Bannon, Zoning Administrator, City of Madison  
acknowledging application for variance within the City of Madison.  
07/15/2024 Email from Chad Rasmussen, Director of Operations and Public Safety,  
Dane County Regional Airport, stating airport has no objection to the variance request.  
06/07/2024 FAA Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation, with conditions, issued.  
Airport Height Limitation Zoning authority in all Dane County municipalities within three (3)  
miles of the Dane County Regional Airport is granted to Dane County Zoning Division  
under Chapter 78, Dane County Code of Ordinances (DCCO).  
LabCorp buildings are located adjacent to the Dane County Regional Airport within the  
City of Madison and in the Airport Height Limitation Zone (AHLZ).  
Previous variances have been granted for both temporary cranes and permanent  
structures at this location. Most recently variances include Appeal 3585, granted  
12/2009, for a variance of 145 feet or 1,058 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) from the  
maximum permitted AHLZ elevation of 913 feet AMSL to allow a temporary construction  
crane for a proposed Covance project and Appeal 3588, granted 01/2010 for permanent  
exhaust stacks exceeding the maximum AHLZ.  
The LabCorp buildings are pre-existing, non-conforming structures in the AHLZ, with a  
949.6* ft AMSL HVAC penthouse height. Part of the complex was built before the AHLZ  
Ordinance was adopted in 1976, and additions were built before Airport runways were  
lengthened in the 1990s. At that time, the maximum AHLZ elevation was reduced from  
926.2 feet AMSL to 913 feet AMSL. Seven (7) previous variances have been granted for  
projects including temporary construction cranes and permanent additions.  
LabCorp requires new roof-mounted HVAC upgrades on the existing penthouse. The  
proposed additions will be at or below the existing equipment/building elevations and not  
create any further encroachment into the AHLZ.  
1) Unnecessary Hardship: It would be unnecessarily burdensome to prevent the  
improvement of an existing, legal non-conforming use in the AHLZ. The proposed HVAC  
upgrades are required for energy efficiency compliance, so there is no reasonable  
alternative, and no self-created hardship.  
2) Unique Limitations of the Property: The close proximity to the Airport and existing  
non-conforming height of the LabCorp building, together with the history of the AHLZ  
changes for this property, are unique limitations for this long-standing permitted use.  
3) No Harm to Public Interests: The proposed new upgrades are lower than existing  
building components. Existing equipment that encroaches further into the restricted  
zone will be removed as a result of this upgrade. The agent states that LabCorp agrees  
to comply with all FAA conditions of approval, which protect the public interest.  
LEESER/STUDZ to grant the variance as requested subject to the conditions of  
FAA approval. Motion Carried.  
F. Reports to Commitee  
Hilbert informed the committee that under County Board authority, seconds to motions  
are no longer required for boards with 7 or fewer members. Hilbert provided an update on  
the October Meeting schedule.  
G. Other Business Authorized by Law  
Board Member Corrigan requested an interpretation from Corporation Counsel on recent  
Federal case law related to administrative appeals. Hilbert will follow up.  
1. 2024  
By voice vote the Board elected Al Long as Chair, Travis Leeser as Vice Chair, and Sue  
Studz as Secretary of the Board of Adjustment.  
H. Adjournment  
STUDZ/LEESER to adjourn. The Board adjourned by consensus at 6:58 pm.