Dane County  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
Equal Opportunity Commission  
Who benefits? Who is burdened?  
Who does not have a voice at the table?  
How can policymakers mitigate unintended consequences?  
Monday, September 18, 2023  
5:30 PM  
Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City  
County Building in Room 356); attend virtually  
via Zoom.  
See below for additional instructions on how to attend the meeting and provide public  
Interpreters must be requested in advance; please see the bottom of the agenda for more information.  
Los intérpretes deben solicitarse con anticipación; consulte el final de la agenda para obtener más  
Yuav tsuam tau thov txog cov neeg txhais lus hau ntej; thov saib hauv qab kawg ntawm qhov txheej  
txheem rau cov ntaub ntawv ntxiv.  
The September 18, 2023, Equal Opportunity Commission meeting will be a hybrid meeting. Members of  
the public can either attend in person or virtually via Zoom.  
The public can attend in person at City County Building Room 356.  
The public can access the meeting virtually with the Zoom application or by telephone.  
To join the meeting in Zoom, click the following link (after you fill out the form, the meeting link and  
access information will be emailed to you):  
This link will be active until the end of the meeting.  
To join the meeting by phone, dial-in using one of the following three toll-free phone numbers:  
When prompted, enter the following Webinar ID: 928 1744 2936  
IN PERSON: Any members of the public wishing to register to speak on/support/oppose an agenda item  
can register in person at the meeting using paper registration forms. IT IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO  
In person registrations to provide public comment will be accepted throughout the meeting.  
VIRTUAL: Any members of the public wishing to register to speak on/support/oppose an agenda item  
MUST REGISTER USING THE LINK ABOVE (even if you plan to attend using your phone). Virtual  
registrations to provide public comment will be accepted until 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the  
In order to testify (provide public comment) virtually, you must be in attendance at the meeting via Zoom  
or phone, you will then either be unmuted or promoted to a panelist and provided time to speak to the  
If you want to submit a written comment for this meeting, or send handouts for board members, please  
send them to: OEI@countyofdane.com  
A. Call To Order  
B. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda  
C. Consideration of Minutes  
2023 MIN-259 EOC Minutes 08-08-23  
D. Action Items  
1. Discuss updating language in slideshow  
2022 RPT-730 EOC Slideshow  
E. Presentations  
1. Ellen Derge - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator  
F. Reports to Committee  
1. Chair’s Report  
The EOC Chair will summarize meeting and other related activities on behalf of the  
Commission since the last Commission meeting. For information only. Any item  
raised for future discussion will be posted on the next agenda. Update from County  
Executives’ Office.  
2. Vice Chair's Report  
3. Staff's Report  
2023 RPT-262 EOC Staff Report SEPTEMBER/2023  
4. 2023 Henry Vilas Zoo Workplace plan 5/1/23  
2023 RPT-263 About niNA Collective  
G. Future Meeting Items and Dates  
Next EOC Hybrid meeting - November 28, 2023  
H. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law  
I. Adjourn  
NOTE: If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations  
to access this service, activity or program, please call the phone number below at least three business  
days prior to the meeting.  
NOTA: Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor, materiales en formatos alternativos u otros arreglos  
para acceder a este servicio, actividad o programa, comuníquese al número de teléfono que figura a  
continuación tres días hábiles como mínimo antes de la reunión.  
LUS CIM: Yog hais tias koj xav tau ib tug neeg txhais lus, ib tug neeg txhais ntawv, cov ntawv ua lwm  
hom ntawv los sis lwm cov kev pab kom siv tau cov kev pab, cov kev ua ub no (activity) los sis qhov  
kev pab cuam, thov hu rau tus xov tooj hauv qab yam tsawg peb hnub ua hauj lwm ua ntej yuav tuaj  
sib tham.  
Reyna Vasquez (608)283-1391 TTY WI Relay 711