C. Tree Board Operating Agreement
1. Have a common understanding of Acronyms. CARPC, Capital
Area Regional Panning Commission, assists regional governments
with planning efforts and assists DNR with water quality
management. OFS, Operation Fresh Start, assisting youth with
social barriers obtain work experience and education. TCC, Tree
Canopy Collaborative, a diverse group of professionals whose goal is
to increase tree Canopy. WAA, Wisconsin Arborists Association.
DCTB, Dane County Tree Board.
2. This will be an evolving agreement between board members, that
can help our team create an environment in how we communicate
and operate.
• Action-oriented agenda items: “decide, brainstorm, weigh in on” –
• shift from reporting and information sharing to engaging
• Be deliberately engaged
• All members of the board feel valued and respected
• Permission to be unpolished
• Communicate the ask
• Hear from everyone
• Make new members feel welcome
• Follow up on request/tasks (accountable)
• Start on time / end on time
• Review TB Minutes prior to TB Meetings
D. Project & General Updates
1. Tree Crib installations.
2. Schlecht Family Foundation (Deluth Trading Company):
3. Village of Dane Tree Planting, October 28th at 9:00
4. Tamarack Trails commemorative planting, October 18th
E. Discussion Items
1. Review/Add/Edit Dane County Tree Policy Resolution ingredients
for forwarding on at the conclusion of the meeting.
2. TB Parks and Open Space Plan summary comments:
3. Future meeting locations