conditions or to investigate an alleged violation. Zoning staff conducting
inspections or investigations will comply with any applicable workplace safety
rules or standards for the site.
10) The owner must post, in a prominent public place and in a form approved by
the zoning administrator, a placard with the approved Conditional Use Permit
number, the nature of the operation, name and contact information for the
operator, and contact information for the Dane County Zoning Division.
11) The owner or operator must keep a copy of the conditional use permit,
including the list of all conditions, on the site, available for inspection to the
public during business hours.
12) Failure to comply with any imposed conditions, or to pay reasonable county
costs of investigation or enforcement of sustained violations, may be grounds for
revocation of the conditional use permit. The holder of a conditional use permit
shall be given a reasonable opportunity to correct any violations prior to
13) Topsoil, or appropriate topsoil substitute as approved in a reclamation plan
under Chapter 74, Dane County Code, from the area of operation shall be saved
and stored on site for reclamation of the area. Topsoil or approved topsoil
substitute must be returned to the top layer of fill resulting from reclamation.
14) The applicant shall submit an erosion control plan under Chapter 14, Dane
County Code covering the entire CUP area for the duration of operations, and
receive approval of an erosion control permit prior to commencing extraction
15) The permit period shall be twenty (20) years from effective date.
16) A new reclamation plan shall be prepared and submitted within six (6)
months of approval of the conditional use permit. The plan shall be specific to
the 40-acre boundary. Reclamation shall meet all requirements of Chapter 74 of
the Dane County Code of Ordinances. In addition, all reclamation plans must
meet the following standards:
a) Final land uses after reclamation must be consistent with any applicable town
comprehensive plan, the Dane County Comprehensive Plan, and the Dane
County Farmland Preservation Plan.
b) Final slopes shall not be graded more than 3:1 except in a quarry operation.
c) The area shall be covered with topsoil and seeded to prevent erosion.
d) The area shall be cleared of all debris and left in a workmanlike condition
subject to the approval of Dane County
e) High walls shall be free from falling debris, be benched at the top, and
certified by a civil engineer to be stable.
17) The driveway accessing the subject site shall either be paved or covered with
crushed asphalt for a minimum distance of 100 feet from the public right-of-way.
The operator shall maintain the driveway in a dust free manner in accordance
with local, state, and federal regulations, and shall clean any dust or mud
tracked onto public roads.
18) The access to the driveway shall have gates securely locked when the
extraction site is not in operation. The site shall be signed “no trespassing.”
19) All surface and subsurface operations shall be setback a minimum of 20’ from
property lines that do not abut a public right of way.
20) Excavations below the grade abutting Madigan Road shall be setback 30 feet
from the property line.
21) Hours of operation shall be Monday through Friday 7:00am to 6:00pm, and
Saturday 7:00am to 4:00pm. There shall be no operations of any kind Sundays
and on holidays. Holidays are to include: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day,
Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Eve, and Christmas.
22) There shall be a safety fence around the entire extraction area at all times.
That safety fence shall be a minimum of 4 feet in height.
23) There shall be no alteration of topography within 5 feet of the property line.