3. GROUP EXERCISE: What are the biggest areas of need?
Group exercise on discussing biggest area of need. Questions in small groups: Group
1-What resources would help lower crimes and/or criminal justice involvement? Group
2-What needs do victims of crime have? Are they readily available? Group 3- What
services should be available to those who have committed an offense, but are will to
engage in supportive services?
Report back on resources needed to lower crimes and/or criminal justice involvement,
provide basic needs, mental health resources, linguistically and culturally responsive
services, increase funding to services before law enforcement contact, increase safe
social spaces, provide basic skills services, and have prevention and intervention
mindset. Approaches to address convergence of criminal justice and immigration and
bidirectional (system and community) learning of this issue. Access to drivers licenses.
Report back on victim needs and services available. Discussion on needs including
financial resources and needs, system navigating, housing including short-term housing,
access to information, safety, court interventions and technology to help protect victims,
peer support, child care, respite care, transportation, access to court appearance (zoom
is now available), health care-immigration status and ability to pay, family support,
AODA, language, jobs/workforce.
Report on services for offender and supportive services. Funding for services generally
and for flex wrap services, unrestricted funding, co-location model to coordinate services,
robust data system to assess services, intake process to accurately assess needs and
to be trauma informed. Discussion on wide-range of needed support services.
Video on Community Justice Center pre-engagement with community organizations in
2021: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXody-Ky-A
E. Reports to Committee
F. Future Meeting Items and Dates
Discussion on future meeting items. Conversations on data from system entities and
community groups; future six-month work plan; visit to Cook County to visit Restorative
Justice Community Court-Avondale, Chicago IL in June/July 2023 & Cook County will
visit Dane County in the Fall 2023.
Additional items to discuss how to 1) engage more of our community in this conversation,
2) how do we enroll individuals in the program, 3) mapping and evaluations of current
programs in Dane County.
2. NEXT MEETING: MAY 9, 2023 at 12:15 pm
G. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda