A motion was made by CASTILLO, seconded by JUSTUS, that the Zoo
Commission recommend to the County Board that the budget be approved. The
motion carried by a voice vote.
E. Reports to Committee
Zoo Report: SCHWETZ talked about the Zoo's DEAI committee. They have been
working on a staff and guest code of conduct. Talked about upcoming events including
the annual zoo run and a new partnership with the Madison Fire Department to host a
fire prevention event on grounds. The Zoo partnered with the Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society and will be hosting this year's Light the Night event in October. The Zoo has
begun to work on a strategic master plan and is inviting stakeholders to participate in
that. The Zoo's fundraising RFP recently closed and we are working on the contract and
that will support our capital campaign. Gave an update on new animals - goats, turkeys,
guinea fowl. Update on recent animal procedures including a tiger dental and ongoing
assessments of seal eyes. Discussion ensued.
F. Future Meeting Items and Dates
Next meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 10th at 7:30am.
G. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
H. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law
I. Adjourn
A motion was made by CASTILLO, seconded by JUSTUS, that the Zoo
Commission meeting be adjourned at 8:48am. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Kristin Moala, pending approval from the Zoo Commission.