Brian Standing reviewed comments received to date from subcommittee
members and from Anna Bierbauer (of the University of Wisconsin), and noted
that suggested edits were incorporated into the revised plan amendment
document. The subcommittee reviewed comments from Jason Tisch (Wisconsin
Historical Society).
Motion by Morales, second by Yanacheck to amend the plan draft as follows:
- Goal 2, Objective B: amend to read "Encourage preservation of historically or
architecturally significant farmsteads or farm structures."
- Replace all references to "Wisconsin State Historical Society" with "State
Historic Preservation Office."
- Goal 2, Objective E: amend the first sentence to read "Provide and encourage
access to county, state, local and federal assistance to identify, designate and
document architectural resources and sponsor nomination of eligible resources
to the National Register of HIstoric Places."
- Goal 2, Objective G: amend to read "Conduct periodic surveys of the county on
an ongoing basis to update the Architecture and History Inventory maintained by
the State Historic Preservation Office."
- Goal 2, Objective H: amend to read "Develop and distribute model historic
preservation ordinances and best practices for towns to use to achieve local
preservation objectives and/or Certified Local Government status."
- Policy and Program 5: Amend first sentence to read, "Work with the Wisconsin
Historical Society, colleges and universities, UW Extension, local historical
societies, the Dane County Cultural Affairs Commission, and the proposed Dane
County Historic Preservation Commission and other educational or research
institutions to develop and implement an ongoing public outreach, participation
and education program related to historic and archaeological resources.
Collaborate partners with a variety of expertise to design, and implement
specific projects, such as:
outreach and educational programs,
public opinion surveys;
identification and documentation of historic and cultural resources
projects to expand public appreciation and understanding of the significance
of county resources and history."
Motion carried.
Motion by Walker, second by Morales to recommend draft plan as amended to
the ZLR committee.
Motion carried.