Joseph Darcangelo updated the Commission on the proposed 2025 zoo budget that
was sent to the County Executive's office. The zoo makes up less than 1% of the
County's total budget. There were minimal changes this year. The concession's budget
was adjusted to separate out the operations of the train and carousel, which the Zoo
currently operates. There are no new capital requests, only ongoing requests needed to
maintain our grounds and animal health center.
There are two new positions in the budget for the zoo, a new FTE education outreach
coordinator, which will be paid for by a slight increase in zoo camp registrations, and a
water quality analyst. The zoo currently contracts water quality services but that limits
on-ground help to four times per year. Having a FTE position on grounds will improve all
exhibits with water including seals, bears, flamingos, Aviary, and the Herpetarium. The
analyst position would work directly with the zoo veterinarian and be able to assist with
animal welfare as well.
Discussion ensued.
A motion was made by ROSS, seconded by JUSTUS, that the Presentation be
placed on file. The motion carried by a voice vote.
E. Reports to Committee
Ronda Schwetz updated the Commission on animal acquisitions and upcoming
departures, as well as recent events at the Zoo.
F. Future Meeting Items and Dates
The next meeting will be held on October 1st at 8am in person at the Zoo.
G. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
H. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law
Courtney Cordova and Jess Thompson spoke to the Commission about 20224
RES-119, a resolution that will allow the Zoo to accept grant money that will help us
evaluate the effectiveness of our interpretive master plan. The grant funds will be used
to hire a LTE position who will be responsible for evaluating and training staff on
conservation action interpretation.
I. Adjourn
A motion was made by EVERS, seconded by JUSTUS, that the Zoo Commission
meeting be adjourned at 9:22am. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Kristin Moala, pending approval by the Commission.