D. Project & General Updates
1. Tree cribs NOONE reviewed Thoreau planting, Sun Prairie planting. NOONE
mentioned some other potential school sites.
2. Duluth Trading Company (Schlecht Family Foundation) NOONE reviewed process to
apply for funding and what you can apply for. The grant has three cycles during the year.
The next one is in December.
3. Village of Dane Tree Planting: BRODBECK planned and will host a 125th anniversary
event celebrating Dane’s incorporation which will feature a tree-planting. The Tree
Planting Event will be Monday, October 28th at Capitol Valley Park, 720 Capitol Dr,
Village of Dane, Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
4. Tamarack Trails Commemorative Tree Planting: The Tamarack Trails Neighborhood
Association received Heritage Oak seedlings from the Tree Board. Some will be planted
as commemorative trees on October 18, 2024. BOSCI will attend the event and give info
on oak savannas.
E. Discussion Items
1. Policy Resolution Update: RITT met with Hicklin about the tree preservation policy
resolution. Hicklin supports the draft, RITT submitted it to County Board staff for review.
2. TB Parks and Open Spaces comments Alves talked to Alex DeSmidt of Dane
County Parks. Alves and DeSmidt will review Tree Board comments and make an initial
3. Future Meeting locations
F. Action Items
G. Future Meeting Items and Dates
NOONE will send a poll for dates for the November meeting.
H. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
I. Such Other Business as Allowed by Law
J. Adjourn
MOTION to adjourn made by ERKER, seconded by RICH. MOTION passes (6-0).
Meeting adjourned at 5:08 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Lisa Johnson, pending board approval.