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File #: 2024 PRES-161    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/21/2025 In control: Health & Human Needs Committee
On agenda: Final action: 1/30/2025
Attachments: 1. Memo to HHN RE DCDHS Bid Waivers 0121, 2. BW-HS-01 Journey Mental Health Center - Crisis Services - 20,356,374 - 3, 3. BW-HS-02 CEOs of Tomorrow - Youth Employment Social Entrepreneurship - 182,820 - 5, 4. BW-HS-03 Mount Zion - Mentoring and Prevention Services - 58,315 - 1, 5. BW-HS-04 Community Living Alliance - Home Chore - 70,700 - 5, 6. BW-HS-05 Rudolph Enterprises - Home Chore - 143,585 - 5, 7. BW-HS-06 Goodman Community Center - Catered Meals for Congregate Dining - 201,845 - 5, 8. BW-HS-07 Dane County Youth Centers - Out-of-school Activities - 1,180,985 - 5, 9. BW-HS08 Centro Hispano - Youth Program Juventud Escalera - 787,450 - 5, 10. BW-HS-09 CACSCW - ECZ Housing Services - 365,340 - 5, 11. BW-HS-10 United Way of Dane - ECZ Services and Coordination - 213,025 - 5, 12. BW-HS-11 Families Back to the Table - Mentorship and Basic Needs - 508,805 - 5, 13. BW-HS-12 Colonial Club - Group Bus Transportation - 139,980 - 5, 14. BW-HS-13 RISE Wisconsin - Emergency Respite Care - 2,678,285 - 5, 15. BW-HS-14 Safe Harbor - Forensic Child Interview Services - 1,206,505 - 5, 16. BW-HS-15 RISE Wisconsin - Case Management and Children's Support Subsidies - 175,000 - 5, 17. BW-HS-16 Growing Community Services - Case Management and Children's Support Subsidies - 450,000 - 5, 18. BW-HS-17 Avenues to Community - Case Management and Children's Support Subsidies - 1,000,000 - 5, 19. BW-HS-18 Teamwork Associates - Case Management and Children's Support Subsidies - 200,000 - 5, 20. BW-HS-19 4-C - Certification & Resource and Referral - 1,850,000 - 5, 21. BW-HS-20 Planned Parenthood - Family Planning Services - 1,246,755 - 5, 22. BW-HS-21 Centro Hispano - Community Engagement - 980,030 - 5, 23. BW-HS-22 Safe Communities - Falls Prevention - 110,250 - 5
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