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File #: 2018 BOA-004    Version: 1 Name:
Type: BOA Appeal Status: Passed
File created: 2/8/2019 In control: Board of Adjustment
On agenda: 2/28/2019 Final action: 2/28/2019
Title: Appeal 3698. Appeal by Reggie Lund for a variance from minimum required setback from a Class E highway as provided by Section 10.17(5)(b) , Dane County Code of Ordinances, to permit a proposed garage addition at 2777 Marshall Pkwy being Lot 2 Sawyer Addition, Section 27, Town of Madison.
Sponsors: Board of Adjustment
Attachments: 1. 02-28-2019 BOA Staff Report, 2. Appeal 3698 Application, 3. Acknowledgment from Town of Madison, 4. Appeal 3698 Building Plans, 5. Platted_lands, 6. Sawyer Addition plat, 7. Forest Park plat, 8. Variance 1067


Appeal 3698.  Appeal by Reggie Lund for a variance from minimum required setback from a Class E highway as provided by Section 10.17(5)(b)  , Dane County Code of Ordinances, to permit a proposed garage addition at 2777 Marshall Pkwy being Lot 2 Sawyer Addition, Section 27, Town of Madison.