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File #: 2024 BOA-007    Version: 1 Name:
Type: BOA Appeal Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/6/2025 In control: Board of Adjustment
On agenda: 3/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Appeal 3734. Variance appeal by Kory Raisbeck & Tammy Shaulis (Brad Burrs, Agent) for a variance from the minimum required front yard setback as provided by Section 10.102(10)(e). Dane County Code of Ordinances, to permit proposed single family residence at 2216 Colladay Point Dr., being Lot 1 Colladay’s Point, Section 23, Town of Dunn.
Sponsors: Board of Adjustment
Attachments: 1. 3733 Staff Report, 2. Variance 2548 Sumary, 3. BOA Minutes 8-25-94, 4. Zoning Variance Application - 2216 Colladay Point Drive - Raisbeck-Shaulis
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Appeal 3734.  Variance appeal by Kory Raisbeck & Tammy Shaulis (Brad Burrs, Agent) for a variance from the minimum required front yard setback as provided by Section 10.102(10)(e). Dane County Code of Ordinances, to permit proposed single family residence at 2216 Colladay Point Dr., being Lot 1 Colladay’s Point, Section 23, Town of Dunn.