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Meeting Name: Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/12/2021 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: Virtual meeting
Virtual meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2020 MIN-369 1  MinutesMinutes of the December 22, 2020 Zoning and Land Regulation Committee meetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
11627 1 Vermont - FisherZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11627 APPLICANT: KYLE FISHER LOCATION: 5500 COUNTY HWY J, SECTION 26, TOWN OF VERMONT CHANGE FROM: RM-16 Rural Mixed-Use District TO RR-2 Rural Residential District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
2020 RES-316 1  ResolutionSUPPORTING THE REQUEST OF NAMING OF AN UNNAMED BODY OF WATER AS ONSRUD PONDrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
CUP 2510 1 Oregon - Payne and DolanConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02510 APPLICANT: WINGRA REAL ESTATE LLC / PAYNE & DOLAN LOCATION: 157 COUNTY HWY MM, SECTION 36, TOWN OF OREGON CUP DESCRIPTION: hot-mix asphalt plantdirection for staffPass Action details Not available
CUP 2510 1 Oregon - Payne and DolanConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02510 APPLICANT: WINGRA REAL ESTATE LLC / PAYNE & DOLAN LOCATION: 157 COUNTY HWY MM, SECTION 36, TOWN OF OREGON CUP DESCRIPTION: hot-mix asphalt plantsuspended from the rulesPass Action details Not available
CUP 2510 1 Oregon - Payne and DolanConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02510 APPLICANT: WINGRA REAL ESTATE LLC / PAYNE & DOLAN LOCATION: 157 COUNTY HWY MM, SECTION 36, TOWN OF OREGON CUP DESCRIPTION: hot-mix asphalt plantdirection for staffPass Action details Not available
2023 RES-175 1  ResolutionPETITION: CUP 2511 APPLICANT: 4 D FARMS LLC / MADISON SAND & GRAVEL LOCATION: 5379 CTH V, SECTION 22, TOWN OF VIENNA CUP DESCRIPTION: Expansion of an existing mineral extraction sitedirection for staffPass Action details Not available
2023 RES-175 1  ResolutionPETITION: CUP 2511 APPLICANT: 4 D FARMS LLC / MADISON SAND & GRAVEL LOCATION: 5379 CTH V, SECTION 22, TOWN OF VIENNA CUP DESCRIPTION: Expansion of an existing mineral extraction sitesuspended from the rulesPass Action details Not available
2023 RES-175 1  ResolutionPETITION: CUP 2511 APPLICANT: 4 D FARMS LLC / MADISON SAND & GRAVEL LOCATION: 5379 CTH V, SECTION 22, TOWN OF VIENNA CUP DESCRIPTION: Expansion of an existing mineral extraction sitedirection for staffPass Action details Not available
2020 RPT-518 1  ReportReview 2021-2023 WCA Legislative Agenda   Action details Not available