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Meeting Name: Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/9/2018 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: City - County Building, ROOM 354 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison
City - County Building, ROOM 354 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2017 MIN-428 1  MinutesMinutes of the November 28, 2017 ZLR Commitee meetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
2017 MIN-429 1  MinutesMinutes of the December 11, 2017 ZLR Committee MeetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
11165 1 Rutland - Bullsi LLCZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11165 APPLICANT: BULLSI LLC LOCATION: 4645 STATE HIGHWAY 138, SECTION 7, TOWN OF RUTLAND CHANGE FROM: RE-1 Recreational District TO C-2 Commercial District REASON: allow commercial usespostponed  Action details Not available
11212 1 CROSS PLAINS-ShanesyZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11212 APPLICANT: STEPHEN P SHANESY LOCATION: 4287 GIL'S WAY, SECTION 9, TOWN OF CROSS PLAINS CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 (4) Agriculture District REASON: shifting of property lines between adjacent land ownersrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11223 1 ALBION-ReppenZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11223 APPLICANT: JACOB A. REPPEN LOCATION: 432 ALBION ROAD, SECTION 27, TOWN OF ALBION CHANGE FROM: A-4 Agriculture District TO RH-4 Rural Homes District, A-2 (8) Agriculture District TO RH-4 Rural Homes District REASON: separating existing residence from farmland and creating one residential lotrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11230 1 RUTLAND-KlahnZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11230 APPLICANT: ERIKA A KLAHN LOCATION: NORTH OF 4244 STATE HIGHWAY 138, SECTION 5, TOWN OF RUTLAND CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO RH-1 Rural Homes District REASON: creating two residential lotsrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
2017 RPT-543 2  ReportSummary of Proposed Zoning Ordinance   Action details Not available