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Meeting Name: Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/24/2020 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: Remote meeting
Remote meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2020 RPT-565 1  ReportNovember 24, 2020 ZLR Registrants   Action details Not available
2020 MIN-331 1  MinutesMinutes of the November 10, 2020 Zoning and Land Regulation Committee meeting   Action details Not available
11610 1 VERONA - Suddeth Living TrustZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11610 APPLICANT: SUDDETH LIVING TR, ROBERT F LOCATION: 6535 GRANDVIEW ROAD, SECTION 24, TOWN OF VERONA CHANGE FROM: AT-35 Agriculture Transition District TO RR-2 Rural Residential District REASON: creating a residential lot for an existing residencerecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11611 1 OREGON - WeberZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11611 APPLICANT: CONNIE E WEBER LOCATION: 1024 TIPPERARY ROAD, SECTION 16, TOWN OF OREGON CHANGE FROM: RM-16 Rural Mixed-Use District TO RR-2 Rural Residential District and FP-1 Farmland Preservation District REASON: reducing lot size for an existing houserecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11612 1 CHRISTIANA - AringtonZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11612 APPLICANT: ARINGTON TREE FARM LLC LOCATION: 1167 TILLUNG DR, SECTION 8, TOWN OF CHRISTIANA CHANGE FROM: RR-4 Rural Residential District TO RR-2 Rural Residential District, RR-2 Rural Residential District TO RR-4 Rural Residential District REASON: shifting of property lines between adjacent land ownersrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11613 1 VIENNA - BallwegZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11613 APPLICANT: RODNEY M BALLWEG LOCATION: 5497 CUBA VALLEY ROAD, SECTION 34, TOWN OF VIENNA CHANGE FROM: FP-35 Farmland Preservation District TO RR-4 Rural Residential District and FP-1 Farmland Preservation District REASON: separating existing residence from farmlandrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11614 1 MAZOMANIE - WilhelmZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11614 APPLICANT: MARY ANNE WILHELM LOCATION: NORTH OF 102 SEGEBRECHT ROAD, SECTION 9, TOWN OF MAZOMANIE CHANGE FROM: FP-35 Farmland Preservation District TO RR-4 Rural Residential District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
11615 1 COTTAGE GROVE - SkaarZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11615 APPLICANT: LARRY G SKAAR LOCATION: NORTH OF 3475 N STAR ROAD, SECTION 28, TOWN OF COTTAGE GROVE CHANGE FROM: FP-35 Farmland Preservation District TO RR-8 Rural Residential District REASON: creating one residential lot   Action details Not available
CUP 2507 1 CROSS PLAINS - SomersConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 2507 APPLICANT: DANIEL D SOMERS LOCATION: 8752 W MINERAL POINT ROAD, SECTION 21, TOWN OF CROSS PLAINS CUP DESCRIPTION: allow for the construction of a taller accessory building (16 feet mean elevation)postponedPass Action details Not available
CUP 2508 1 DUNN - PautzConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 2508 APPLICANT: JUSTIN A PAUTZ LOCATION: 4360 RUTLAND DUNN TOWNLINE ROAD, SECTION 32, TOWN OF DUNN CUP DESCRIPTION: allow for the construction of a taller accessory building (16 feet mean elevation)postponedPass Action details Not available
11594 1 DEERFIELD-DeerfieldZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11594 APPLICANT: TOWN OF DEERFIELD FOR VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS LOCATION: TOWN OF DEERFIELD various sections CHANGE FROM: FP-1 Farmland Preservation District TO FP-35 Farmland Preservation District REASON: blanket rezone to correct errors associated with the adoption of the revised Dane County Zoning Ordinancerecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available