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Meeting Name: Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/24/2021 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: Remote Meeting
ZOOM Webinar Meeting ID: 820 8821 3752
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2021 RPT-377 1  ReportAugust 24, 2021 ZLR Committee Meeting Registrants   Action details Not available
2021 MIN-200 1  MinutesMinutes of the July 27, 2021 Zoning and Land Regulation Committee meetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
11727 1 MEDINA - REINA CARRATUZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11727 APPLICANT: GONZALO ANDRES REINA CARRATU LOCATION: 898 SHERMAN DR, SECTION 28, TOWN OF MEDINA CHANGE FROM: LC Limited Commercial District TO GC General Commercial District, RR-8 Rural Residential District TO GC General Commercial District REASON: compliance for existing uses and structuressuspended from the rulesPass Action details Not available
11727 1 MEDINA - REINA CARRATUZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11727 APPLICANT: GONZALO ANDRES REINA CARRATU LOCATION: 898 SHERMAN DR, SECTION 28, TOWN OF MEDINA CHANGE FROM: LC Limited Commercial District TO GC General Commercial District, RR-8 Rural Residential District TO GC General Commercial District REASON: compliance for existing uses and structuresrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11728 1 OREGON - RUNDEZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11728 APPLICANT: PATRICK RUNDE LOCATION: EAST OF 286 WILDERNESS WAY, SECTION 33, TOWN OF OREGON CHANGE FROM: FP-35 Farmland Preservation District TO RR-8 Rural Residential District REASON: adding additional lands to an existing residential lotrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11729 1 Pleasant Springs - WilliamsZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11729 APPLICANT: LOIS ANN WILLIAMS LOCATION: 2069 WILLIAMS DRIVE, SECTION 29, TOWN OF PLEASANT SPRINGS CHANGE FROM: RR-2 Rural Residential District TO SFR-08 Single Family Residential District REASON: creating three residential lotspostponedPass Action details Not available
11730 1 BLACK EARTH - SESTONZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11730 APPLICANT: MITCHEL LEWIS SESTON LOCATION: SECTION 21, TOWN OF BLACK EARTH CHANGE FROM: FP-35 Farmland Preservation District TO RM-8 Rural Mixed-Use District, FP-35 Farmland Preservation District TO RM-16 Rural Mixed-Use District REASON: creating two residential lotsrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11731 1 VERONA - SUGAR RIVER INVESTORSZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11731 APPLICANT: SUGAR RIVER INVESTORS I LLC LOCATION: 2325 SUGAR RIVER RD, SECTION 30, TOWN OF VERONA CHANGE FROM: RR-2 Rural Residential District and AT-35 Agriculture Transition District TO RM-16 Rural Mixed-Use District REASON: Remove spot zone on the property and establish residential zoning on the entire propertypostponedPass Action details Not available
02526 1 DUNN - QUEBBEMANNConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02526 APPLICANT: DAVID J QUEBBEMANN LOCATION: 2006 BARBER DRIVE, SECTION 26, TOWN OF DUNN CUP DESCRIPTION: transient or tourist lodgingapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
02527 1 MEDINA - REINA CARRATUConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02527 APPLICANT: GONZALO ANDRES REINA CARRATU LOCATION: 898 SHERMAN DR, SECTION 28, TOWN OF MEDINA CUP DESCRIPTION: outdoor storage and residential usesuspended from the rulesPass Action details Not available
02527 1 MEDINA - REINA CARRATUConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02527 APPLICANT: GONZALO ANDRES REINA CARRATU LOCATION: 898 SHERMAN DR, SECTION 28, TOWN OF MEDINA CUP DESCRIPTION: outdoor storage and residential useapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
02528 1 DUNN - MURESANConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02528 APPLICANT: ALEX MURESAN LOCATION: 1912 BARBER DRIVE, SECTION 26, TOWN OF DUNN CUP DESCRIPTION: transient or tourist lodgingapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
02529 1 PERRY - TISCHConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02529 APPLICANT: BRAD & LAURA TISCH LOCATION: 175 DRAMMEN VALLEY ROAD, SECTION 31, TOWN OF PERRY CUP DESCRIPTION: limited farm businessapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
2021 OA-023 1  OrdinanceAMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE DANE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, REGARDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FEESrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
2021 RPT-306 1  ReportUpdated report of annual review of salvage yards Staff recommends approval.postponedPass Action details Not available