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Meeting Name: Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/28/2017 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: City - County Building, ROOM 354 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison
City - County Building, ROOM 354 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2017 RPT-517 1  ReportNovember 28, 2017 ZLR registrants   Action details Not available
11207 1 DEERFIELD-Febock Brothers LLCZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11207 APPLICANT: FEBOCK BROTHERS LLC LOCATION: SOUTH 3383 STATE HIGHWAY 134, SECTION 36, TOWN OF DEERFIELD CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO RH-1 Rural Homes District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
11208 1 CHRISTIANA-LatschZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11208 APPLICANT: LATSCH IRREV TR, VICTORIA J LOCATION: 1439 KRABY ROAD, SECTION 6, TOWN OF CHRISTIANA CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO R-2 Residence District, RH-2 Rural Homes District TO R-2 Residence District, A-4 Agriculture District TO R-2 Residence District REASON: shifting of property lines between adjacent land ownersrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11210 1 VERMONT-ParrellZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11210 APPLICANT: DONALD L PARRELL LOCATION: EAST OF 4579 BLUE MOUNDS TRL, SECTION 3, TOWN OF VERMONT CHANGE FROM: RH-4 Rural Homes District TO A-1EX Agriculture District REASON: selling land to adjacent farmrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
11211 1 DUNKIRK-WestZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11211 APPLICANT: INGRID WEST LOCATION: 1053 TAYLOR LN, SECTION 17, TOWN OF DUNKIRK CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 (1) Agriculture District REASON: less restrictive height for detached ag bldgrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11212 1 CROSS PLAINS-ShanesyZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11212 APPLICANT: STEPHEN P SHANESY LOCATION: 4287 GIL'S WAY, SECTION 9, TOWN OF CROSS PLAINS CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 (4) Agriculture District REASON: shifting of property lines between adjacent land ownerspostponedPass Action details Not available
11213 1 BLACK EARTH-Peoples Community BankZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11213 APPLICANT: PEOPLES COMMUNITY BANK LOCATION: JUST NORTH OF 4952 COUNTY HIGHWAY F, SECTION 33, TOWN OF BLACK EARTH CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-4 Agriculture District REASON: rezoned for cropland less than 35 acres.recommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11214 1 BLACK EARTH-EhlingZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11214 APPLICANT: EHLING FAMILY TR LOCATION: 4968 REEVE RD, SECTION 31, TOWN OF BLACK EARTH CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 Agriculture District, RH-1 Rural Homes District TO A-2 Agriculture District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11215 1 VERONA-Coons Construction of Verona LLCZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11215 APPLICANT: COONS CONSTRUCTION OF VERONA LLC LOCATION: 3151 SHADY OAK LANE, SECTION 5, TOWN OF VERONA CHANGE FROM: RH-4 Rural Homes District TO R-4 Residence District REASON: Creation of a condominium plat consisting of 13 single-family unitspostponedPass Action details Not available
11216 1 VERONA-HoloubekZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11216 APPLICANT: BRUCE HOLOUBEK LOCATION: 6636 PURCELL ROAD, SECTION 35, TOWN OF VERONA CHANGE FROM: RH-2 Rural Homes District TO RH-3 Rural Homes District, RH-3 Rural Homes District TO RH-2 Rural Homes District REASON: shifting of property lines between adjacent land ownersrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11217 1 ALBION-Stolen Farms IncZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11217 APPLICANT: STOLEN FARMS INC LOCATION: JUST SOUTH OF 1170 HILLSIDE ROAD, SECTION 11, TOWN OF ALBION CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO RH-3 Rural Homes District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11218 1 ALBION-ThalackerZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11218 APPLICANT: GARY E THALACKER LOCATION: 495 COUNTY HIGHWAY X, SECTION 29, TOWN OF ALBION CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 (8) Agriculture District REASON: separating farm land from residence and farm accessory buildingspostponedPass Action details Not available
CUP 02398 1 DUNN-KokinosConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02398 APPLICANT: DOLORES KOKINOS LOCATION: 4447 GOODLAND PARK RD, SECTION 8, TOWN OF DUNN CUP DESCRIPTION: bed and breakfastapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
2017 OA-039 1 2017 OA-039OrdinanceAMENDING CHAPTER 82 OF THE DANE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, AMENDING THE DANE COUNTY FARMLAND PRESERVATION PLANrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
11141 1 Deerfield - HoltzmanZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11141 APPLICANT: HOLTZMAN REV LIVING TR, JON E LOCATION: 3221 STATE HIGHWAY 134, SECTION 36, TOWN OF DEERFIELD CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO RH-1 Rural Homes District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
11186 1 Burke - ParisZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11186 APPLICANT: KENNETH L PARIS (Mark Bursaw) LOCATION: 5009 THORSON ROAD, SECTION 36, TOWN OF BURKE CHANGE FROM: RH-2 Rural Homes District TO A-2 (4) Agriculture District REASON: change zoning to allow for a limited family business (landscaping business)recommended for denialPass Action details Not available
11209 1 PERRY-GrindleZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 11209 APPLICANT: TROY A GRINDLE (JONATHAN HUFTON) LOCATION: NORTH 11049 RIVER FORK ROAD, SECTION 30, TOWN OF PERRY CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO RH-1 Rural Homes District REASON: creating two residential lotsrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
CUP 2396 1 RUTLAND-MartinsonConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 02396 APPLICANT: THOMAS A MARTINSON LOCATION: NE OF 4614 COUNTY HIGHWAY A, SECTION 18, TOWN OF RUTLAND CUP DESCRIPTION: new 199' communication towerpostponedPass Action details Not available
2017 LD-041 1  Land DivisionSkrenes proposed 4-lot CSM Town of Bristolapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
2017 LD-042 1  Land DivisionFinal Plat - Tumbledown Farm Town of Middleton, Section 29 & 30 Staff recommends conditional approval.approved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
2017 ACT-485 1 Wigglesworth site plan approval, Town of DaneAction ItemResidential Site Plan Approval within the A-1Ex Exclusive Agriculture Zoning District Douglas Wigglesworth, 7171 Old Hwy 113, Section 24, Town of Daneapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available