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Meeting Name: Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/14/2016 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: City - County Building, ROOM 354 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison
City - County Building, ROOM 354 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2016 RPT-159 1  ReportRegistrants at the June 14, 2016 ZLR Committee meeting   Action details Not available
2016 MIN-086 1  MinutesMinutes of the June 1, 2016 Zoning and Land Regulation Committee meetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
2016 MIN-085 1  MinutesMinutes of the May 24, 2016 Zoning and Land Regulation Committee meetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
2016 MIN-084 1  MinutesMinutes of the May 10, 2016 Zoning and Land Regulation Committee meetingapprovedPass Action details Not available
10983 1 Dane - MooneyZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 10983 APPLICANT: RICHARD SCOTT MOONEY LOCATION: EAST OF 6645 HYSLOP ROAD, SECTION 35, TOWN OF DANE CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO R-3 Residence District REASON: less restrictive rear yard setbackrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
10985 1 Medina - McDowellZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 10985 APPLICANT: ROBERT E MCDOWELL LOCATION: 5343 OAK PARK ROAD, SECTION 20, TOWN OF MEDINA CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 Agriculture District REASON: creating one residential lotrecommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
10987 1 Blue Mounds - JonesZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 10987 APPLICANT: TRACI J JONES LOCATION: 10804 KINGSLAND ROAD, SECTION 20, TOWN OF BLUE MOUNDS CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO RH-4 Rural Homes District, RH-3 Rural Homes District TO RH-4 Rural Homes District REASON: shifting of property lines between adjacent land ownersrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
10988 1 Sun Prairie - KaltenbergZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 10988 APPLICANT: KALTENBERG TRUST LOCATION: 4989 COUNTY HIGHWAY TT, SECTION 34, TOWN OF SUN PRAIRIE CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 (8) Agriculture District REASON: separating existing residence from farmlandrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
CUP 2341 1 Sun Prairie - KaltenbergConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 2341 APPLICANT: KALTENBERG TRUST LOCATION: 4989 COUNTY HIGHWAY TT, SECTION 34, TOWN OF SUN PRAIRIE CUP DESCRIPTION: unlimited livestock on 3 to 16 acresapproved with conditionsPass Action details Not available
10989 1 Pleasant Springs - RobertsZoning PetitionPETITION: REZONE 10989 APPLICANT: ROBERTS IRREV FAMILY TR 2012 LOCATION: 2479 GLENN DRIVE, SECTION 21, TOWN OF PLEASANT SPRINGS CHANGE FROM: A-1EX Agriculture District TO C-1 Commercial District, C-1 Commercial District TO A-2 Agriculture District, A-1EX Agriculture District TO A-2 Agriculture District REASON: moving existing C-1 zoning east of its current location and rezoning remaining A1-EX to A2recommended for approval as amendedPass Action details Not available
CUP 2338 1 Mazomanie - Halfway Prairie LLCConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 2338 APPLICANT: HALFWAY PRAIRIE LLC LOCATION: 6053 STATE HIGHWAY 78, SECTION 10, TOWN OF MAZOMANIE CUP DESCRIPTION: renew conditional use permit for an existing mineral extraction siteamendedPass Action details Not available
CUP 2338 1 Mazomanie - Halfway Prairie LLCConditional Use Permit PETITION: CUP 2338 APPLICANT: HALFWAY PRAIRIE LLC LOCATION: 6053 STATE HIGHWAY 78, SECTION 10, TOWN OF MAZOMANIE CUP DESCRIPTION: renew conditional use permit for an existing mineral extraction siteapproved as amendedPass Action details Not available
CUP 2103 1 Deerfield - Oak Park QuarrryConditional Use Permit REVIEW AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF CUP #2103 Landowner: Oak Park Quarry, LLC Location: 3522 Oak Park Road, Section 29, Town of Deerfield Reason: compliance with conditions of approval and standards found in Dane County Code of Ordinances Section 10.255(2)(h)deniedPass Action details Not available
2016 LD-016 1  Land DivisionFinal Plat - 8Twenty Park City of Madison Staff recommends a certification of non-objection with regards to Ch. 75.08 and S. 236.12(12(2)(b).approvedPass Action details Not available
2016 LD-015 1  Land DivisionFinal Plat - Happy Valley Addition to Windsor Crossing Village of Windsor Staff recommends a certification of non-objection with regards to Ch. 75.08 and S. 236.12(12(2)(b).approvedPass Action details Not available
2016 LD-017 1  Land DivisionPreliminary Plat - Daybreak Valley Town of Middleton, Section 5 Staff recommends approval subject to conditions.approvedPass Action details Not available
2016 ACT-118 1  Action ItemDiscussion and possible action: Delagate alternate person of planning staff to review certified survey maps pursuant to Dane County Code of Ordinances Section 75.17(1)(b).approvedPass Action details Not available
2016 RPT-147 1  ReportReport of approved Certified Survey Maps   Action details Not available