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Meeting Name: Health & Human Needs Committee Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 2/23/2023 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final Unless Amended by Committee  
Meeting location: Virtual meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2022 MIN-575 1  MinutesMINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 9, 2023approvedPass Action details Not available
2022 RES-339 11. Resolution Requiring 2/3rds VoteACCEPTING ADDITIONAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE BLOCK GRANT SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS DCDHS - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISIONrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
2022 RES-344 12. Resolution Requiring 2/3rds VoteACCEPTING AND ALLOCATING REVENUE FOR PUBLIC HEALTH UNWINDING DCDHS - EAWS DIVISIONrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
2022 RES-345 13. Resolution Requiring 2/3rds VoteACCEPTING GRANT FUNDS AND CREATING A BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROGRAM SPECIALIST PROJECT POSITION DCDHS - PEI DIVISIONSub. 1 to the resolution be recommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
2022 HSCA-014 11. Human Services Contract Addendum85454_ADDENDUM AVENUES TO COMMUNITYrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available
2022 HSCA-015 12. Human Services Contract Addendum85325_ADDENDUM FAMILY SUPPORT & RESOURCE CENTERrecommended for approvalPass Action details Not available